My Process (roughly)

Actually saved a fair amount of wip pictures of this last piece so I thought it would be a good example of how I go about creating art

The Sketch

Nothing too interesting here. I usually sketch using the default charcol brush, gpen, or millipen. I usually end up sketching on multiple layers as needed and merging them in the end. I usually end up erasing at least some guidlines as I define the sketch

Sketch Part 2

If I do a second sketch or go directly into lineart varies from piece to piece. Usually this sketch is intended to make lineart easier for me and is pretty close to the final lineart.


I usually do all my lineart with one line thickness (7.0 in this case). I write the size of the brush down when I find one I like in case I have to do the line art in multiple sittings. In this piece the linart is done with the gpen but I occasionally use other brushes.

Flat colours

Whenever I paint I always put every colour on its own layer. In this piece the colours are seperated in folders for organizing but thats not common for me. I usually start with the background and then pick and adjust colours based on that.

Rendering or colours part 2

After placing the flat colours I copy the layer of that specifc part of the piece and set it to clipping while I render that part of the piece. I render using the oil paint brush laying down the dark colour first and blending with a lower opacity version of the base colour and light use of the blend tool. If I'm rendering highlights i'll add it after rendering the shading.

Finishing touches

Colour adjustments and etc. This piece has a gradient map on a multiply layer on a low opacity.