This webpage is a shrine dedicated to a character who's been very dear to my heart for a number of years, Kanji Tatsumi!

But who is Kanji Tatsumi?

Kanji is a character in the 2008 video game Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4, and subsequent additions and derivatives. He is the fifth member to join the Investigation Team in their pursuit to solve the mystery behind the murders and kidnappings occurring in the small town of Inaba, and uncover the truth behind the mystery of the midnight channel.
Kanji's introduced as a delinquent with an outlandish reputation that far precedes him. He's frequently mistaken as being part of local biker gangs and often gets into trouble with local authorities. He looks the part of a stereotypical Japanese delinquent; sporting dyed blond hair, pericings, and wearing his gakuran over his shoulders. Kanji's claim to fame in the town is his singlehanded victory over local gangs of bikers (bōsōzoku in the original jp)
He's very quick to start fights with people, getting defensive upon hearing any comments from others that he perceives as disparaging of him. Especially any remarks about him being odd, or effeminate.
It's made clear very early on that however that Kanji is not necessarily the menace many would paint him to be. It's mentioned upon his introduction that he picked those fights with gangs because the noise they made was bothering his mother. He's not too dissimilar to the archetypical tough guy with a heart of gold.

Kanji's official bio:

Name: Kanji Tatsumi
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 19, 1996
Age: 15
Height: 183cm
Weight: 65kg
Blood Type A

A first-year student at Yasogami High School. Rumors have it that he singlehandedly destroyed a biker gang when he was in middle school. He is an old-school, straight-laced type of delinquent who doesn't associate with other gangs and their antics.

This page is a work in progress and is currently unfinished. Sorry for any inconvenience

test link lol
